First Grade

(6 years)

The first grader’s day is traditionally organized to include science, social studies, reading, math, art, music, and physical education, yet we continue to stress a hands-on, concrete approach, individual observation and discovery, and the use of original or personally created materials. The Encore Math and Reading A-Z programs are benchmarks of our curriculum.



team member

Rebecca Carruba

First Grade Lead Teacher
Mrs. Rebecca received her B.A. from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in May of 2015. Having studied Spanish, she is excited to be working in an environment that encourages its students to better their language skills and develop new ones. Her heart for teaching began in high school when she traveled to Guatemala to volunteer as a teacher. Upon her return to the U.S., she  began tutoring disadvantaged children in her hometown and continued the work into the start of her university years. She was drawn to Nicaragua by her then-fiancée/now-husband and moved to Granada in September of 2016.  She hopes to make the vibrant community her own.