Third Grade

(8 years)

The Third Grader’s day will be more traditionally organized to include science, social studies, reading, math, art, music, and physical education but we will continue to stress a hands-on, concrete approach, individual observation and discovery, and the use of original or personally created materials. The Encore Math and Reading A-Z programs will remain benchmarks of our curriculum.



team member

Grethel Hernandez

Third Grade Lead Teacher
Grethel Hernandez Baltodano is originally from Jinotepe-Carazo but now lives here in Granada. Grethel has impressive experience in education, having worked for over ten years as a teacher in Primary schools and High schools. Grethel holds a degree in Education Sciences from UNAN Managua and is currently studying Education Pedagogy. She is a calm and gentle presence here at Granada International School. Gretel comments that she really enjoys interacting with the students and sharing teaching techniques and methodologies with her teaching colleagues.  To contact Ms. Grethel please email her at [email protected]